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Weeping Willow Tree


salix - Salix Babylonica: advices about relational database schemas.


salix (create|report|show|drop) (pg|my) <database connection options...>


salix gives design, style, consistency, version and system advices about relational database schemas by querying the standard information schema. The results are put in a salix schema which can be queried with your favorite database relation browsing tool. This command is a simple front-end to run Salix Babylonica SQL scripts over the target database.


When started without any argument, the salix command displays a short help message and the running version. Otherwise, two arguments are expected.

The first argument is the operation to perform.

  • create

    Creates the Salix Babylonica salix schema which holds the advices, as well as salix_information_schema, a normalized copy of the information schema.

  • report

    Generate a simple text report for the raised advices, sufficient to identify where the issues are in the schemas. This operation requires a prior run of create on the database.

  • show

    Show a basic summary of the advices. Use you favorite database browser to explore the salix schema for detailed information, and possibly to fix the database schemas. This operation requires a prior run of create on the database. Use report for more textual details about the raised advices.

  • drop

    Drop Salix Babylonica-related schemas.

The second argument is the target database engine.

  • pg - PostgreSQL

    PostgreSQL does have real catalogs named DATABASEs, which contain several SCHEMAs. Catalogs are isolated one from the other, thus it is necessary to run the tool separately on each catalog.

    Other arguments can be used to select PostgreSQL: psql, pgsql, postgres, postgresql.

  • my - MySQL

    MySQL does not have catalogs, as the DATABASE is really a SCHEMA (a kind of directory which stores tables), thus it is enough to run the tool only once against an installation.

    Argument mysql can be used to select MySQL as well.

The remainder arguments are directly passed to the database connection command. The underlying permissions of the connection must allow to read the information schema meta-data system tables, and to create the two Salix Babylonica-related PostgreSQL schemas/MySQL databases.

The rational for the argument order is that from the database selection argument onward this is the full connection command to be used by salix.


With PostgreSQL:

sh> salix create pg -U calvin -h server erp

sh> salix report pg -U calvin -h server erp
<look at issues...>

sh> salix drop pg -U calvin -h server erp

With MySQL:

sh> salix create my -u calvin -h server

sh> salix report my -u calvin -h server
<look at issues...>

sh> salix drop my -u calvin -h server


The command returns the 0 status code if all was okay.

Other error codes are returned by the script:

  1. expecting at least 2 arguments
  2. error on operation name, salix first argument
  3. error on database name, salix second argument
  4. directory for SQL scripts not found
  5. cannot cd to SQL script directory
  6. script for operation on database not found

Finally, error codes can also be returned by the database client command when running the SQL script. See the corresponding documentation for details.


A summary of all the advices raised can be found in table salix.summary_of_advices: For each concerned_schema (PostgreSQL schema or MySQL database) and advice title, it shows the advice category, severity, level, abstract, description, holding relation view_name, and nb the total number of occurrences.

The detailed list of the 47 Salix Babylonica advices ordered by severity, category and level is:


Some environment variables have a direct impact on the sotfware:


    Where to look for Salix Babylonica SQL files. A default is set when installing Salix, so this variable should not be necessary but when testing or if the files have been moved after the installation.

  • PATH

    Salix Babylonica launches either the mysql or psql database clients to execute some SQL scripts. They are found from the default search path.

Other environment variables might affect the database-specific scripting command launched by the tool. Check the database command documentation for details.


All softwares have bugs, this is a software, hence...

Beware that this software may destroy all your data, make you lose your hairs, or have any other unexpected side effect.

Do not run the software if you have a MySQL database or a PostgreSQL schema named salix or salix_information_schema, as it could be messed up or even destroyed in the process.

There is now way to restrict the script to report issues only on a subset of schemas from the command line. Filter out the results instead.

The software is named after the Latin word for the weeping willow tree, a.k.a. saule pleureur in French. It has nothing to do with the numerous companies with salix in their names.



Copyright 2008-2021 Alexandre Aillos, Samuel Pilot, Shamil Valeev, Fabien Coelho <salix dot babylonica at coelho dot net>

Salix Babylonica is free software, both inexpensive and with sources. The GNU General Public Licence v3 applies, see for details.

The summary is: you get as much as you paid for, and we are not responsible for anything.


The Salix software has been used to survey relational schemas in open-source software. The survey covers 512 schemas. The results of this study have been published in:

On the Quality of Relational Database Schemas in Open-source Software by Fabien Coelho, Alexandre Aillos, Samuel Pilot and Shamil Valeev. In International Journal on Advances in Software, 2011 vol 4, no 3&4, pp 378-388, May 2012. Online at

The above paper is an extended version of:

A Field Analysis of Relational Database Schemas in Open-source Software by Fabien Coelho, Alexandre Aillos, Samuel Pilot and Shamil Valeev. In Third International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge and Data Applications (DBKDA), pp 9-15, St Maarten, The Netherlands Antilles, January 2011. ISBN: 978-1-61208-002-4. Copyright IARIA 2011. Online at

Note that this tool is inspired by pg-advisor, a proof-of-concept PostgreSQL-specific prototype developed in 2004-2005 by Fabien Coelho.

DB-E Sotftware's DB-Examiner provides about 50 database design diagnostics for commercial databases. This software has also been distributed by Computer Associates under the ERwin brand at some point. Some history by its initial author can be found about an earlier DMD (Data Model Designer) tool


The latest version of the software should be available from

Download this version as


History of changes and versions:

  • version trunk on 2021-07-01 (revision 3112)

    In development.

    Improved documentation. Updated references.

  • version 1.0.0 on 2012-01-27 (revision 3084)

    Improved documentation. Comments added and improved error handling in salix script. Exchange salix arguments order, so that the operation is the first argument, as it seems more logical. The arguments are possibly silently exchanged for backward compatibility. Derive copyright year automatically from svn commit. Nicer report output for PostgreSQL.

  • version 0.9.0 on 2011-03-22 (revision 2839)

    Minor improvements in some advices. Add explanation string to all advices. Abort on error in PostgreSQL scripts. Add report command. Improved documentation.

  • version 0.8.0 on 2010-11-13 (revision 2594)

    More advices, including 3 from SchemaSpy Partial work around small issue in PostgreSQL information_schema.

  • version 0.7.1 on 2010-08-18 (revision 2201)

    One more advice. Minor fix on one advice for excluding some schemas.

  • version 0.7.0 on 2010-06-29 (revision 2154)

    More advices, about weak passwords, indexes and object naming styles. Some bug fixes.

  • version 0.6.2 on 2009-06-10 (revision 1808)

    Check more MySQL backend engines. Improved documentation.

  • version 0.6.1 on 2009-04-13 (revision 1768)

    Fix string literal escapes for MySQL. Improved documentation.

  • version 0.6.0 on 2009-04-12 (revision 1746)

    Add two system advices about weak passwords for PostgreSQL. Add Id keyword to all source files. Use version in tar directory.

  • version 0.5.0 on 2008-12-10 (revision 1538)

    A few bug fixes. One new advice.

  • version 0.4.0 on 2008-09-21 (revision 1188)

    Better documentation. Bug fixes.

  • version 0.3.0 on 2008-09-01 (revision 1109)

    Greatly improved documentation. Better schema names.

  • version 0.2.0 on 2008-08-31 (revision 1086)

    Improved documentation. Rely on sh instead of bash.

  • version 0.1.0 on 2008-08-30 (revision 1063)

    Initial version.